Mom's Day Out San Angelo
Mom's Day Out
Registration is now open, you must register in person at the gym.
The program runs weekly, Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:30 a.m. - 1:30 p.m.
We will be working on the developmental aspect of gymnastics as well as utilizing our time together to create arts and crafts, work on letters, numbers and colors. We have rotations/centers set-up for the cognitive, social and physical development of your child. We will also take field trips throughout the year! Spots are first-come, first serve!!
Ages 2 1/2 yrs to 5 yrs. (Must be potty-trained). Cost: $140/month *Bring a lunch
Registration Fee: $35.00/annual
Activity Fee: $25.00/annual
*2024-2025 Registration Form
* You CANNOT register for Mom's Day Out online. You can either print off and fill out the registration form and email ([email protected]) or fax it to us or you can drop it off at the gym
*We do not do Mom's Day Out during the summer. Spring program ends at the end of May. We will start back up the first week of September 2024.